Friday, January 25, 2008

Some Frightening Stats

1. Number of confirmed suicides in U.S. Army in 2006: 102

2. Number of years since accurate record-keeping began in 1981 that the rate was as high: 0

3. Chance that an Iraq war veteran who has served two or more tours now has post-traumatic stress disorder: 1 in 4

4. Percentage of Democrats in 2006 who said they supported the Iraq war when it began: 21

5. Percentage of Democrats in March 2003 who said they supported the war: 46

This information is the latest available as of December 2007. Stats from Harper's Index

Note: The criminal invasion and occupation of a sovereign state is still an issue. Our economy, and bloated debts do not exactly lighten when we spend almost $500 billion on a lie, and continue to do so. How we will end the travesty must be discussed. How a government can "inject" life into a failing economy and still throw it away in Iraq is beyond me.


Paul Newell said...

The criminal invasion and occupation of a sovereign state is still an issue. Our economy, and bloated debts do not exactly lighten when we spend almost $500 billion on a lie, and continue to do so.

True dat.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, daddydan. Keep posting dude. And I agree with PN. True dat.