Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Huge Turn-out in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State Dave Scanlan told ABC News that "turnout among primary voters today is 'absolutely huge' -- and there are concerns about running out of ballots in towns like Portsmouth, Keene, Hudson and Pelham.""The ballot strain seems to be on Democratic ballots, which suggests that the undeclared voters are breaking for the Democratic primary."

Also, here are a couple of pictures of Bill Clinton taken in Exeter, New Hampshire this morning talking to voters stumping for his candidate. My brother took them from his blackberry.

I guess he isn't worried about the terrorist attack his wife warned about yesterday:

At a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Sen. Hillary Clinton suggested the next president will face a terrorist attack and that she was the best person to handle it, the Boston Globe reports. Said Clinton: "I don't think it was by accident that Al Qaeda decided to test the new prime minister. They watch our elections as closely as we do, maybe more closely than some of our fellows citizens do. Let's not forget you're hiring a president not just to do what a candidate says during the election, you want a president to be there when the chips are down."


magda flores said...

How cool! I want to see Bill Clinton in person.

Unknown said...

bad timing for us, kid rad!

Paul Newell said...

Report from a friend on the ground in Portsmouth:

They are actually printing ballots at Kinkos. Which is, i think illegal, as it's a non-union shop.

It also means that they have a ton of new registrants and independents are voting in the Dem primary by 6:1 margin or greater.

That says to me, Obama by about 20%. Also, I think Romney might pull out a surprise.

Anonymous said...

that is a call i saw as well. That because independents may go strong for Obama - McCain by SOL.

It will be interesting, but the Obamamania is overwhelming at this point.

Paul Newell said...

Predictions for tomorrow morning:

1. Hillary writes off South Carolina

2. Culinary Workers Union in Nevada endorses Obama

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else a little fucking surprised this morning?