Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Breaking News! The New York Post Endorses Barack Obama

But with endorsements like this, Obama doesn't need friends like Bill Clinton...

We all know the Post hates Hillary and Bill. According to them, Hillary stands for a "return to the opportunistic, scandal-scarred, morally muddled years of the almost infinitely self-indulgent Clinton co-presidency."

But this is how they endorse Obama:
"For all his charisma and his eloquence, the rookie senator sorely lacks seasoning: Regarding national security, his worldview is beyond naive; America must defend itself against those sworn to destroy the nation."

"His all-things-to-all-people approach to complicated domestic issues also arouses scant confidence. "Change!" for the sake of change does not a credible campaign platform make. But he remains a highly intelligent man, with a strong record as a conciliator."

Who are they trying to kid? The endorsement is a rallying cry for Democrats to vote Obama on February 5, hopefully delivering to him the nomination. The reason? The Post editorial board doesn't think he is electable. Now that it looks like McCain will be the Republican candidate, they want Obama to be the Democrat for McCain to beat.

I guess they are discounting the fact that when McCain won South Carolina he got as many votes as Hillary Clinton did in South Carolina. But she came in second...


Anonymous said...

Totally agree Glory except on the electability factor. I think Hillary is the most unelectable - especially against McCain.

Agreed that the Post hates the Clintons and was taking a shot.

Glory to the Union said...

Well it's no surprise Kid that you and The Post have divergent wiews on who is and who is not electable.