Monday, September 24, 2007

$720 Million Dollars a Day in Iraq: How Would You Spend it?

We are spending $720 million dollars a day in Iraq ($500,000 per minute). The Wage Peace Campaign asks how would you spend this money?

One day of the Iraq War Could Buy:

Eighty-four new elementary schools;

12,478 new elementary school teachers;

95,364 head start placements for children;

1,153,846 children with a free lunch;

34,904 four year scholarships for university students;

163,525 people with healthcare;

423,529 children with healthcare.

6,482 families with homes; or

1,274,336 homes with renewable electricity.

How would you spend it?

As we approach four thousand dead soldeirs (3,798 dead up to yesterday's count) in Iraq and an uncountable amount of dead Iraqis, we see no end in sight to this war. We see no urgency on the part of the democrats to truly end this war. "Oh, what can we do? We need 61 votes. We promise elect us in '08 and we will finally end it." We see a Republican party despite losing its power become stronger in their resolve to keep up the fight. We see violence and endless corruption in Iraq, not the least of which is the Blackwater scandal that threatens to finally dissolve the crisis to its breaking point.
But, this war is real, it is taking a toll that is putting our democracy in danger as well as our way of life. But, the toll it is taking on the soldiers and their families is immeasurable. It is kept hidden from us so we will not storm the castle. But, it is time we did. Watch below: Body of War

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