Monday, December 3, 2007

Sexist Double Standard Will Force Me To Back Hillary

While I don’t believe anyone here at the subversive garden is a fan of Hillary Clinton, I do believe we can all get behind treating her with respect. And I know for a fact that not one of the commentators on this blog would ever degrade her simply for being a woman. However, the rest of the blogosphere and the MSM for that matter, are a different story. When they aren't critiquing her clothing, as seen in the cartoon above, they are calling her a cunt, a bitch or a whore and sometimes even wishing her physical harm.

I came across an article this morning that so succinctly sums up my thoughts on the misogyny that surrounds the Clinton campaign. An example being this group on facebook – “’Hillary Clinton: Stop Running for President and Make Me a Sandwich,’ with more than 23,000 members and 2,200 ‘wall posts’ — Internet graffiti in which discussants have fantasized about Clinton being raped by a donkey.”

My friends here at the garden have pointed out many reasons why Clinton is a bad choice for president. All of which are policy related…as they should be.

These merit less attacks on Clinton’s gender make me want to support her. As a feminist and a woman, who am I if I don’t stand up for my sisters when they are thrown under the bus simply for being a woman.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you to a certain extent. The extremists are out in mass against Hillary Clinton that is for sure. But, they are extremists. You really do not see that within the democratic party (most of it). And the lefty blogs are not attacking Hillary for that ridiculousness. For her policy, yes, but not for her dress. Though, the huffington post is coming suspisciously close sometimes. What is happening to that website?

The same can be said for Barack Obama as well. The Washington Post just had an article entitled the "rumors surrounding his Muslim roots." They are not rumors, but attacks in line with what you just outlined.

Though, I must say I will have a difficult time supporting her if she is the nominee. In light of her attacks yesterday on Barack. They are akin to the attacks Gore produced on Bill Bradley and enshrined my decision to support Nader instead of him - which I fully stand by.

Hillary is in the mold of all those that came before her, calculating, policy wonks that care little for the regular folks and only for being President. It does not make her much different than most of the politicians, but I am tired of having to vote for someone like that, whether she is a woman or not.

I would LOVE to vote for a woman for President or a person of color for that matter. But, as I have said before: "Just because it is in a cookie jar, does not mean it is a cookie."

Anonymous said...

BTW - Have you heard of the site mother talkers? They are spin off of Daily Kos, very progressive women who support Hillary. You should check it out. You could probably find it on daily kos.

magda flores said...

I guess when none of the candidates are truly speaking to me, why not support Hillary Clinton? She's got flaws like all the rest. Who knows.. maybe I'll end up going third party. This shit is just pissing me off. Thanks for the site!

Anonymous said...

Well, from a progressive standpoint I have to say Barack and Edwards are much better than Hillary. It really isn't even close for me. But, I understand the sentiment.

And to me the MAIN reason I will not support Hillary is dynasty politics. Enough is enough. I don't want the Clinton years back...fine it is better than this, but we do not need anti-union and human rights globalization politics, corporate power politics that the Clintons brought to the democratic party, and the selling out of the progressive agenda to get policies that are meaningless and pretend we are the democratic party. I don't want that at all.

And Hillary is not shy about saying exactly what she wants. She is not hiding who she is, like her husband did. We know what we will get.

Paul Newell said...

I understand the temptation to rally around Hillary in face of sexist attacks from some quarters. But those quarters are to be expected to use dirty tricks and hateful speech on any Democrat. If Hillary is a woman, be sexist. If Barack is black, use coded racism.

In terms of over-all electability, I am convinced that Hillary's gender and Barack's race are assets (What happens in FL, VA and MO when you increase black turnout by 20%?). Outright racists and sexists are not swing voters, indeed they offend swing voters.

All that said, Hillary is the wrong choice for our party and the wrong choice for our country. She has never been a progressive (at least in terms of action). She is much less electable than Obama. Hillary will further divide the country. That may not be her fault, but it is so.

As KR points out, we need change. We do not need to pick 20 year old fights that the GOP are dying to fight. Unlike KR, I will proudly support Hillary Clinton if she wins the nomination. Hillary will make a good President. But Barack Obama will take us into the future. And he will win. Don’t let the GOP slime-machine sidetrack us from the issue at hand.