Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chris Dodd as Majority Leader?

Momentum is building for Chris Dodd to change course and drop the Presidential campaign and make a run at Majority leader, replacing Harry Reid. This is supposedly a netroots run campaign, but is beginning to make the chatter on Capitol hill in light of Dodd's successful filibuster of telecom immunity.

Many democrats are happy with Harry Ried, but I am not. He has capitulated over and over again. And this telecom immunity bill goes way over the top. It is capitulation for capitualtion sake. There is no need. It is time to stand up to this administration as well as the corporate democrats and the corporatism that has taken over our government. Dodd is not perfect, but he seems to be defining a moment for himself in "restoring the Constitution" much like Edwards has attacked special interests. Dodd has run before for minority leader and lost to Tom Daschle. I think it is time that the progressive options in our elected officials are not stuck on the outside, but on the inside battling for the cause.

Go Chris Dodd.

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