Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Portrait of Paterson... From the Eyes of Children

every june i attend the annual Paterson Youth Photography Project (PYPP) exhibit to celebrate the city in which i work. and every time, the reception is packed, the children happily scoot around, showing off their photos to family, friends, community leaders and the press. held at the paterson museum in the great falls historic district, the exhibit showcases the children's work produced during their PYPP classes.

after you check out the exhibit (from 6/1 to 7/31), breathe in some serious history by walking up a short hill to the stunning great falls of the passaic (see photo, top left), the spot where, in 1791, alexander hamilton founded the Society for the Establishment of Useful Manufactures (S.U.M.) & the US industrial revolution was born.

PYPP's mission is
"to enrich the lives of school age children
in Paterson by introducing them to photography
as a means for self-expression
and an opportunity for personal growth."

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