Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan says goodbye to the peace movement

In a scathing diary yesterday to Daily kos Cindy Sheehan says goodbye to the peace movement. She says it was all well and good to criticize the Republicans, but when that criticism lay at the hands of the democrats she was called by her own constituency "a media whore." No longer is she the darling of the left. She paid the ultimate sacrifice losing her son to this dreadful war and her 29 year marriage to boot; she should be free to criticize whomever she wants.

See above the entire article, but below is the most heartfelt attack on our country: "The most devastating conclusion that I reached this morning, however, was that Casey did indeed die for nothing. His precious lifeblood drained out in a country far away from his family who loves him, killed by his own country which is beholden to and run by a war machine that even controls what we think. I have tried ever since he died to make his sacrifice meaningful. Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human lives. It is so painful to me to know that I bought into this system for so many years and Casey paid the price for that allegiance. I failed my boy and that hurts the most."

I hope she changes her mind. We need her.

In other news eight more deaths in Iraq brings the total of casualties to 113 this month and 3464 total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq. The minimum of Iraqi civilian casualties is now up to 64,533. This is a minimum, I remind you some Iraqi civilian counts estimate over 600,000.


Anonymous said...

Disillusionment might be the feeling that I feel every day, right along with Cindy Sheehan, when I think about a country that used to be thought of as a model for something good, even great. We have become a monster to so many, and our leaders have used and lied to us, the American people. They have let thousands die for their greed and immorality and dishonesty. They have allowed a downward spiral to begin in the Middle East, and they have none of the courage to try to stop the death.

Phil and Greta said...

There is a collective indifference to all of this, which implicates us all. We are all victims of this vindictive, calculating administration, but it was our indifference that allowed it all to occur.

Plato said "the price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men".

We need to take responsibility for that and begin to take our country back!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. There will always be evil people in the world, it is us as citizens to stop them and not be ruled by our indifference or our hopelessness which has gripped the nation.