Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Does your purse match your baby?

Mercedes. Check.
Country club membership. Check.
Fashionable clothes. Check.
Four screaming babies. Check.

You’ve made it, you’ve made it. You’re validated!!! My wife and I heard this piece of disconnect on NPR while driving in the car on Sunday. It was all we could do to keep ourselves from fornicating and procreating right there on the side of the highway to “keep up with the joneses” and the breeders on their 6am bicycle rides.

Snarky replies are encouraged in the comments section. For some perspective, for each and every person on Earth today to enjoy the standard of living (read: profligate consumption) that the Ivy League super moms and their super kids enjoy, it is estimated that we’d need four to five more Earths. While you are feeling uncomfortable about that tidbit, please note that in the next thirty hours, approximately 250,000 babies will be born into the world. The population of 6.6 billion is predicted to hit 9 billion by mid-century. Hmmmmmmm.......

If the above link does not work, try this. But you have to listen to the audio to understand it.


Anonymous said...

I think mother earth was reacting last night to the profligation consumption madness.

A funnel cloud over Elizabeth, NJ? Flooding and a subway system in NYC shut down from a flash violent storm.

Sounds like mother earth is pissed!

Unknown said...

oh my, you know how this topic enrages me. i just read in the paper about a family from arkansas. mom (40 yr old) just gave birth to their 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they say they want more, because they love "frills and lace" & God gave them another gift. by the way, super mom home schools all these kiddies.

Unknown said...

whoops, here is the late breaking news!