Monday, August 20, 2007

Cooper Contradicts Rove On Meet The Press

Rove is a lying sack of S***


Anonymous said...

"Karl Rove never apologizes, that's not what he does." Matt Cooper said it perfectly right there. I would add that maybe he doesn't apologize, but the perjuring, treasoning, criminal does resign. And then has the nerve to say he left office to spend more time with his family. What the hell does he think? That we, the American people, are supposed to buy that horseshit, and not realize that he wanted to get his ass out of the line of fire before it finally caught him in his piglike face?

Jake Novo said...

DD -

I completely agree.

I also think Rove knows that Repubs are in trouble in '08 and since Congress is starting to catch on to his evil maneuverings from the White House (remember the RNC email accounts and half a million missing emails) he wants to slink back into the dark shadows of Texas to unleash his dirty tactics in the presidential elections without the Washington, DC spotlight.

In that that clip Dubya said, '...if someone in my administration has violated the law, that person will be taken care of."

I think we can all agree that Rove has been taken care of very well.