Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lindsey Graham is Shown With a Sign Comparing Obama and Hillary To Bin Laden

Check out Lindsey Graham that moron. Mitt Romney also posed with a similar sign. What possesses a Senator from South Carolina to pose with a sign that compares the two front running Democrats with the premier terrorist? Assclown? The sign says if you have trouble reading it: Obama, Osama and Chelsea's Moma Say Cut and Run. Graham says he was handed the sign as he was leaving. Ok, you idiot. Maybe we should have an Assclown of the day instead of per week. Just another Rethuglican at a day's work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish that it was just this Southern caveman who thought this way. I have spoken to various people, including family members, who really believe that we are doing Iraq good by staying in and "setting things straight" for the administration there. What in the hell are they thinking? Do you think that we give a flying fuck about the Iraqi people? Have Americans learned a damn thing in the last five years?

If we gave a damn about them, would we have dropped bombs on the entire country, cut off electricity, started a civil war, disbanded their army, abused and tortured their people, and then called it all reconstruction? Would we have fought to get Bechtel, MobilExxon, Hallibutron, Blackstone, and McDonalds implanted there?

I am just saddened that so many allow themselves to have the veil of ignorance so willingly pulled over their idiotic heads. We fight off petroleum agreements unless they allow 80% ownership by foreign corporations, and say we do so for the good of Iraqis. We illegally imprison and torture throughout Europe, at Gitmo, in Iraq, and say it is for 'democracy'; we do all this in the name of civilization.

What is civilization really, any more? Is it blowing up mosques because you're Sunni? Is it raping an Iraqi cuz your just following Rummy's orders? Is it buying three SUVs cuz one just ain't enough? Is it stepping over a homeless guy and then writing into your snooty city's guide to "culture?"

Or is it all of the above?