Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bernie Sanders on Jim Nussle Confirmation

Bernie Sanders is my favorite Senator. He was my favorite Congressman before he won his Senate seat. No person in Congress today stands up for the average American like Bernie Sanders. Bernie for President in '12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard much about Sen. Sanders before this post, and I am immensely relieved that there are still people in Congress who have the courage, morals, and respect for the American people to actually ask the questions that Bernie Sanders asked in the video post.

I do not believe that the average American politician represents the average American. Congress, for a good while, has been at the beck and call of corporate and political interests for a good while, and things have only worsened, with a fabricated war that serves only industries such as security, construction and oil. Tax breaks for families like the Waltons cannot be palmed off as benefitting everyone through the defunct trickle-down theory of the happily gone Reagan days ( a man deified by a compliant and ever-forgetful press that easily skips over what this president did to the cities of the US, to the blue-collar worker, and to the rich-making them so much richer).

The inheritance tax, an absurdity dressed up in respectable clothes, has been allowed to stand for a vairety of reasons. One is tht politicians, in general, benefit tremendously from it, and ensure that they will have donations from those same decadently rich people they protect by repealing taxes such as the inheritance tax.

Our country is sick. It is getting sicker, and will continue to do so without more Bernie Sanders, and without people in the streets revolting against health care, education, the gap that is becoming Brazil-like between the rich an the poor, and the institutional interests by the President in making things worse for the average Joe...and never better.