Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some Crazy Sh.. from NJ

This data came from one of my favorite source, Harper's, and it just goes to show that NJ is, well, NJ. I do miss it so. But I will be back soon. Say, March.

1. A New Jersey woman sent 80,000 cans of Silly String, which can locate trip wires, to U.S. troops in Iraq; a military spokesperson thanked her but admitted that soldiers don't use as much Silly String today as they did at the beginning of the war.

2. Forty-nine percent of New Jersey residents admitted they'd rather live somewhere else.

I have no idea how to interpret either of these tidbits of Jersey, but there they are. For you, the SG reader, to take as you will.


Anonymous said...

Here's some other crazy sh.. from NJ - off a Hoboken news site (Hoboken 411):

Despite a half-dozen political limericks of equal tooth and style getting posted before - which poems the moderator claimed to like and find fun, the following has been fully censured:


The posting on H-4-1-1
is very politically spun:
the 'reporting staff'
is pure Russo chaff,
Mason's anti-Reform 9-1-1.

This bias is eager though choppy
Due to editing even more sloppy,
Perry's only reprieve
Is he's so-o-o naive:
Note Vote Hoboken's hooks in the copy!

The site's so politically bitter
Civic trivia sets it atwitter;
"'Cause every wee ill,"
Posts each nasally shill,
"Puts YOUR pol, not mine, in the sh....!"

Aren't these the guys whose site's editorial integrity you had to challenge???

Anonymous said...

yep. not a surprise coming from H411.