Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Guns, The States & The Supreme Court

Breaking news per the NY Times – the Supreme Court has decided to hear the challenge to the DC handgun ban. I am not well enough versed in Constitutional law or gun control issues, but I still have a few thoughts on the issue. Please feel free to add to this discussion in the comments section.

Clearly, the DC gun ban has not deterred the murder rate in DC, as shown by the uptick in murders this year. People are still able to get guns from Maryland and Virginia. It seems like American guns are wreaking havoc outside of the US too. I read the other day that 100% of the drug murders in Mexico are committed with American guns. 100%!

Which makes me wonder, if we do ban guns, where will they all go? Why are there so many in the first place? Who in their right mind really thinks the 2nd Amendment is meant for Americans to have their own guns? Why the hell do so many Americans need guns anyway?

As you can see, I have many thoughts on guns and the banning of them. Mostly, I just think the whole thing is ludicrous. Nevertheless, I do think, fairly certainly, that the Roberts Court will decide the gun ban is unconstitutional. Then Americans can have even more guns! Goody!

So, in honor of Thanksgiving, I propose a toast to the American gun lobby. Thank you NRA and your backwards-ass supporters. I’ll be thinking of you this Thanksgiving when I inevitably find out that another American, or perhaps Mexican, was killed needlessly by a gun.


Anonymous said...

I heard about this Magda over here and I was thinking...I am not nervous walking around Paris, though it is every bit as crazy, big, dispossessed as the states...and then I concluded...there are no guns here. Sure, there are unsavory people, but I do not fear here, maybe a pick pocket or a mugging, but not murder (of course I am a man and do not fear as women do I am sure). Anyway...I heard about it and thought how will the S.Ct. screw this up?

magda flores said...

Kid, I have a friend who was mugged in Spain and she fought the mugger, specifically because she thought the chances of him killing her with a gun were much lower than in the US. Now I would never advocate fighting an attacker, but I think it complements your point well.