Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hillary's Planted Question(s)

I have been reluctant to comment on the story. But, enough has been reported and it stinks. The student who asked the planted question is now talking and says she was not the only one. I tried to get the videos to place on the blog, but on youtube they are all disabled (Clinton campaign maybe?). So, here is the link to the question and the student interview. Here is a CNN video of the report:

Who knows if Hillary knew that questions were being planted, but this smacks of a campaign who thinks they have a divine right to the throne and can sauce her way in. No thanks. I oppose her nomination for one reason mostly and that is dynastic politics. We need someone fresh and Edwards and Obama seem to be the real deal, albeit with some flaws. At the very least they are not the most well funded campaign by defense, insurance and health care like Mrs. Clinton.

Here is John Edwards latest commercial. I like it:

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