Monday, June 25, 2007

Embargoed Graffitti

Havana, Cuba. If you live in the US, these two words are synonymous with failure and dictatorship. It seems that, at least in the mainstream media, nothing positive has ever come out of Cuba, except maybe some great baseball players. I have never been to Havana, and I am not writing this post to rally around Fidel Castro, but in light of the release of Sicko by Michael Moore, I thought I would publish a photo from Os Gemeos, two Brazilians, who are twins, and amazing artists. they went to Cuba, and painted the above mural. Art, like free health care, does somehow exist in Cuba. even with Fidel. This world we live in is not one of black and white. It is the gray that is most fascinating. And the colors in between. Enjoy some today, and check out Os Gemeos and Sicko.

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