Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards confronts Anne Coulter

She shows what a fool and hateful person Anne Coulter is worth the watch and listen. And because she cannot leave well enough alone, she goads Mrs. Edwards into REALLY confronting her. The conservative crowd behind her actually cheers for Mrs. Edwards. Any network that still puts this hatemonger on on is also engaging in the "language of hate."


Anonymous said...

i feel sick. i'd love to chop off her blonde hair that she keeps swinging and touching...

magda flores said...

As a feminist, I shouldn't speak ill of other women. However, I don't think Ann Coulter qualifies as a woman since she's such a raging misogynist, who apparently can't even shut up long enough to listen to Edwards. Grr...she is what is wrong with the world, well her and all of FOX news and CNN and the White House and...I suppose there are too many to list.

Anonymous said...

She makes me want to scream! But, Mrs Edwards did a brilliant job of staying calm (which I would not have done) and really made her look so hateful. It really shows the media too - they do not care what is on the air as long as people are watching.