Friday, June 8, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Should be Fired!

I hate to return to the distasteful episode that resulted in Don Imus heading to the unemployment line, but I need to draw a comparison with recent comments by Bill O'Reilly on his TV show.

Bill O'Reilly came out of the closet as an overt, unabashed racist. His comments ring of a backwoods klan meeting in the deep south. His argument goes like this, (I am paraphrasing):

The New York Times, and other liberals, are pushing for amnesty for the relatives of illegals currently in the country. The reason they are pushing that policy is to, (no longer paraphrasing) "break down the white, christian male power structure" that currently exists in this country. We (white males) need to cap the numbers of Mexicans that are allowed in this country in order to preserve that structure.

This is an accurate paraphrase of his comments, which you can see for yourself here. The obvious implication is that we need to preserve the white, male power structure at all costs. This, I believe, is the organizational objective of the Klu Klux Klan. Incidentally, John McCain was sitting in front of Bill O'Reilly nodding his head, apparently, not feeling the need to challenge that position.

O'Reilly also pointed out that the New York Times is trying to change the complexion of the country. By complexion of the country, he meant nothing other than the color of the skin of its citizens. I know this because, in a recent radio show rant, he stated, "So they [liberals], under the guise of being compassionate, want to flood the country with foreign nationals, unlimited, unlimited, to change the complexion -- pardon the pun -- of America." Therefore, we see that O'Reilly did not inadvertently use the "complexion" pun. Rather, he recognized, in this previous rant, the racist implications of the pun he is repeatedly using.

Returning to the Imus firing, it seems to pale in comparison to the vitriol Oreilly is advocating. Yes, Don Imus, in a joking manner, called the female basketball players "nappy headed hoes". Distasteful? Yes. Hurtful? Yes. Should he have been fired? Probably. Does that even come close to the level of overtly attempting to maintain the "white, male power structure" in the United States through immigration policy? Not even close!!!

How can we fire Imus, and let these O'Reilly racist tirades go unpunished? O'Reilly should be fired, Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more, unfortunately Fox wants him to do this. Almost everyone at Fox should be fired for the vitriol that comes out of them. It is disgusting. Though, they are a private organization WE own the airwaves. Start the campaign I am on bored.