Thursday, October 4, 2007

a chambermaid reading with author saira rao

it was a wonderful night... last night saira rao entertained us at our nyc chambermaid book party with true tales of judicial hell from her federal clerkship experience. saira answered questions from the group, mostly comprised of lawyers, such as, "well, how mean is mean?" saira shed some light on the most private branch of our government and expressed outrage at clarence thomas' latest attack on anita hill in his memoirs.
saira then read an excerpt from her book and some of the ex-clerks shared their own chambermaid tales. we had good food, drinks and shared much laughter... thanks saira!!

invite saira to your reading club or throw a book party for chambermaid. you'll have a chance to get a signed copy, ask saira for more inside scoop on absolute power and the justices, and learn more about the soon-to-be sheila raj (aka chambermaid) lifetime series.


Anonymous said...

more bad jersey judge stories at

Anonymous said...

It really was a great night. Saira is great and so personable and bright. And I think that gets lost here. She was a court of appeals federal clerk and she dared to challenge the system. Courage sometimes comes in unexpected packages.

Thanks for reading and sharing and being the second wave of Bush v. Gore - lifting the veil of the politics of the judiciary.