After a delay because of Cheney's health, Representative Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney. This is long overdue for an administration that has sought to coalesce power out of the hands of the other two branches of government and act as a King.
Currently, I am reading "A Tale of Two Cities" the brilliant Charles Dickens book that describes in stunning detail the dangers of a people that is ruled by a King and and aristocracy that cares little for the people. When the people rise up it is nothing short of understandable horror. Let's get rid of these guys through the laws given to us by our Constitution.
Cheney is the hatchet man and the architect. We can start with him, but I say let's get rid of the whole lot.
Harper's magazine had a great feature piece on the grounds for impeachment last year. if you can find it, it is really well-done, as usual for Harper's. I don't think that anyone in Congress besides Kucinich hs the guts to vote for impeachment, which is laughably ridiculous, since these same hypocrites voted for impeachment for a president that received oral sex from an intern, but when Bush fabricates a motive for war, leading to the death of 3,400 Americans, allows CIA agents to be outed by his aides, aids in the illegal firings of Federal Porsecutors for political reasons, and puts the entire world in danger, he is left in peace.
What a world!
kid radical,
I am reading an astounding book called Amusing Ourselves to Death(Neil Postman) which I first read at Fordham university. It describes the dumbing-down of America with the birth of TV as a form of discourse. Bush will never get impeached because TV will never let it happen. It is too complicated for a 30-sec spot.
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